“If you could say one thing to the entire world at once, what would it be and why?"I decited to make it a bit ironic and dramatic. I hope Paige enjoys it!
Me Trying to Organise My Blog...xP
- Babbles (11)
- High School (7)
- Random (7)
- My Non-expert Advice (2)
- Photo (2)
- Spongebob (2)
- MovieClub (1)
- What's The Babble (1)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Scholarship: The Chill Pill
I ave entered another scholarship. The prompt was interesting.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship 2013 . . . OR MY NEW BOOK?
I found a fun scholarship to write for. Here my entry and the guide lines. Let me know if you injoyed it and want a part two.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Vidcon DFTBA : '013 (Part one)
All of this was made possible by the brothers ...and Mom and Grandma. |
(click on links for hidden surprises
also I'll be posting a part two more about my thoughts, &opinions, and my errrs & ahhhhhs. So stay tuned for that.)
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Youtube: A Few of My Internet Friends (part 1)
Hey with Vidcon '013 approaching and the sudden want to through my mother into the loop of all thing that are cool, awesome, and dare I say "hip", I might as well share with you guys a few of my favorite people.
- They aren't in any biast order. I just feel like the list should be numbered.
- They aren't in any biast order. I just feel like the list should be numbered.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Tahoe Trip (Summer 2013)
Well two week ago I ventured off on a 9 hour drive to a land with trees, a lake, spontaneous nose bleeds, trees, my cousins, and . . .ohhh did I mention the trees."What town is this?" - Says person who didn't read the title. It was the southern part of Tahoe.
pictures of the tasting room |
My cousins beautiful house literally on the lake. They had kayaks and stand-up paddle boards. I prefer the kayaks, not only because of KAY, but also I can't balance of the life of me and wasn't in the mood for the chilly swim. On Independence day we took the boat out on the lake and watched the fireworks from the lake-shore.
Also by the lake-shore, my Aunt and Uncle has their own a wine tasting room in Heavenly Village. It is called Red Poets and Skyhawk Lanes Wines and they even have an running ad. Its on YouTube, but it won't post on here for some reason. It a cool video for me cause I see Aunt Pia (our left) and my Papa (center) at 0:10 and Aunt Renee at 0:17. I must say even though I don't drink (for some odd reason ;), I hear their wine is great and you should check them out if you get the chance to.
While I was there I got a chance bond a little with my crazy smart cousins, Sarah (my age) and Alec (about 2 years younger), that I see about once or twice a year. Sarah is taking AP History (it was world or euro. I don't recall which one.) and Alec is taking Spanish 3 this summer. They make it feel like people would laugh when I showed up with not even 18 physics questions for the summer. **PSHHHHH Sarah reads 30 pages from her history book a night and Alec has to weekly talk to his teacher over the phone IN SPANISH**.
One night they managed to find some time to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Our parents came home from dinner (yah without us D:) and watch with us. I keep on thinking Ferris is Michael J. Fox, but it was Matthew Broderick. They look like twins to me.
Also they have pretty cool pets.
Also they have pretty cool pets.
Mr. Whiskers |
Maggie |
Kitty |
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Summer 2013
Well I finally did it (notice how I cut the crap about my leave of absence ;). WELL I AM FINALLY DONE WITH JUNIOR YEAR.
Well it is bitter sweet. With high school getting cooler and cooler each day I attend (and I attended literally each day...literally...even when they said I didn't have too), I found the summer vacation calling to me.
In the last few months since I talked, I managed to get my licence. That is :D and D:
:D because now my worry of my permit expiring is gone and I can drive if needed. But I D: because I never have actually driven alone and thinking of that is some scary stuff man. The closest is when my dad acts distracted by being on his phone as I drive. That sort of makes it feel like I am driving all by my lone-some and helps ease the transition. Next to driving, I managed to have at least 5 A's (one is a secret ninja of a B, grade that is, because chem is weighted). The six class, history, is probably a non-ninja B because the final was hard man.
Well now that that school year is done with I have like 9 weeks of nothing to do. I am thinking of getting a job, but anxiety is holding me back. It is a combination of seeing people I know from my school, but I don't know them enough to converse with, worry of not being professional enough, and unable to help out customers. But hey maybe I will be the type that can work through a task even with the stress. Looking back at it, I even impressed my self with how I handled the stress of being part of the small props group with my school's giant ASL show.
I don't know if I'll even get hired. But next week I am walking over to a near by shopping area and seeing what places need the extra help and see if I am up for that specific challenge.
Next to probably not getting a job, I am heading to Tao to hang with the cousins in a few weeks so look out for a post about it by the middle of July. Also before I go, I need to go to the Del Mar Fair. I have a free ticket cause I entered a picture of my dog (see the pic in my last blog) and I want to see - *BREAKING NEWS* This just in (thanks to Brenda looking to see how I did) . I got second place for the third year not in a row - It's good that I got got second because this year I am in the High School division and the last two times I was in with Middle School division (because it was 7th and 8th grade; La-tee-daa to why I was in that age group). So competition is tougher this year and I manged to keep my 2nd place record, witch is better than getting the dreaded 3rd place or lower. Well even though I know what I got, I still should go because I got that free ticket. :D
Also this summer I hope to use up or toss all the crap I don't need. Kind of like a summer cleaning, were I just organize my room. I most definitely won't do it all in one day, but over time I'll consolidate all the piles of paper and school work from the school year and then burn them at the stake...when I get around to it. Cause my life is so busy! (sarcasm) But all jokes aside, I only do about 70% of that organizing because by 71% you look around and say "WHAT THE FREAK am I doing?!?" and the organizing gets boring. So you shove everything in one box or drawer and go watch YouTube.
Also, I am super stoked to go to Vidcon for my birthday in August, It will be a blast, but the down side is that summer will be almost over by then.
Well it is bitter sweet. With high school getting cooler and cooler each day I attend (and I attended literally each day...literally...even when they said I didn't have too), I found the summer vacation calling to me.
In the last few months since I talked, I managed to get my licence. That is :D and D:
:D because now my worry of my permit expiring is gone and I can drive if needed. But I D: because I never have actually driven alone and thinking of that is some scary stuff man. The closest is when my dad acts distracted by being on his phone as I drive. That sort of makes it feel like I am driving all by my lone-some and helps ease the transition. Next to driving, I managed to have at least 5 A's (one is a secret ninja of a B, grade that is, because chem is weighted). The six class, history, is probably a non-ninja B because the final was hard man.
Well now that that school year is done with I have like 9 weeks of nothing to do. I am thinking of getting a job, but anxiety is holding me back. It is a combination of seeing people I know from my school, but I don't know them enough to converse with, worry of not being professional enough, and unable to help out customers. But hey maybe I will be the type that can work through a task even with the stress. Looking back at it, I even impressed my self with how I handled the stress of being part of the small props group with my school's giant ASL show.
I don't know if I'll even get hired. But next week I am walking over to a near by shopping area and seeing what places need the extra help and see if I am up for that specific challenge.
Next to probably not getting a job, I am heading to Tao to hang with the cousins in a few weeks so look out for a post about it by the middle of July. Also before I go, I need to go to the Del Mar Fair. I have a free ticket cause I entered a picture of my dog (see the pic in my last blog) and I want to see - *BREAKING NEWS* This just in (thanks to Brenda looking to see how I did) . I got second place for the third year not in a row - It's good that I got got second because this year I am in the High School division and the last two times I was in with Middle School division (because it was 7th and 8th grade; La-tee-daa to why I was in that age group). So competition is tougher this year and I manged to keep my 2nd place record, witch is better than getting the dreaded 3rd place or lower. Well even though I know what I got, I still should go because I got that free ticket. :D
Also this summer I hope to use up or toss all the crap I don't need. Kind of like a summer cleaning, were I just organize my room. I most definitely won't do it all in one day, but over time I'll consolidate all the piles of paper and school work from the school year and then burn them at the stake...when I get around to it. Cause my life is so busy! (sarcasm) But all jokes aside, I only do about 70% of that organizing because by 71% you look around and say "WHAT THE FREAK am I doing?!?" and the organizing gets boring. So you shove everything in one box or drawer and go watch YouTube.
Also, I am super stoked to go to Vidcon for my birthday in August, It will be a blast, but the down side is that summer will be almost over by then.
I GOT A 4.17 GPA!!!!!
That's strait A's!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Me in ten minutes-Whats on my mind
So I am now only 4 episodes behind on The Walking Dead, nobody spoil stuff for me! I haven't watched Breaking Bad since like Christmas.
I debate about vlogging , as stupid as it sounds (haters going to hate), just to play around with my camera. I might start with a How to cooking video...if you have a better idea? Please speak up.

April is about over and that means an handful of things.
Iron Man 3, Star Trek, and Great Gatsby comes out in the beginning of the month.
I would freaken watch Iron Man 47 if they created that many. I am mostly stoked for Star Trek. While I liked Gatsby the book worrie that Gatsby will be full of baloney (cliches and overly dramatic)
I managed to pick a photo for the Del Mar Fair. Hopfuly this year I will get a first place, if not I don't mind my hat-trick of 2nd place. I'll post my picture once I see that my teacher has made everything offical and what-not.
times up
Thursday, March 28, 2013
My Frames.
So guess what! I got new glasses.
These actually let me see, they are prescription glasses if you will. They are also transitions and said to be "glare reducing". I can use all the glare reducing I can get. The doc did tell me that I have big pupils, be jealous, and that is why my eyes tear up more than the average eyeballs.
Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you what they look like. I watched Argo over the weekend with my friends. It was a good movie, but not entirely an Oscar worthy movie. ME being part of the lost generation, the group of young adults who prefer something to be blown up every now and then in a movie or they will say it is boring and fall asleep, I will say that it would be a smudge-above-par movie, but Wreck-it-Ralph was robbed (even though it wasn't nominated). What I did like was the humor that Allan and John (Lester Siegel and John "Pacha" Chambers) added to the movie, even though the "Argo f**k yourself" was drawn out too much. I also liked the visual aspects. The costume designer and set designer gets the Kayla Seal of Approval because the great use of colors and nice vintage feel. My point I was tiring to make in relations to my glasses was that the people in the movie had glasses too. I noticed that the Cora (Clea DuVall) had ones like me, but I prefer hers over mine. Then through out the movie I noticed something else in the hipster eyewear department.
Things I am starting to notice:
1) My glasses look weird when they are in their "wanna be sunglasses" phase.
2) I am blinder than I thought.
3) They get dirty easily because they are fingerprint magnets. Also, I feel like Piggy from Lord of the Flies when I clean them.
4) They will never fit right, no matter how long I mess with them.
5) I am starting to believe that I am one of thoes people that look weird without glasses on.
6) I got the Jay-Bird stamp of approval today!
7) I really need to start switching out my different color shades. Yes I love my leopard ones, but I have a freaken rainbow to pick from.
8) One more step to hipster...or a wanna be... or a scientist/professor or a wanna be scientist/professor
*** cricket cricket...cricket... silence ***
No really. They are different than my eBay ones.These actually let me see, they are prescription glasses if you will. They are also transitions and said to be "glare reducing". I can use all the glare reducing I can get. The doc did tell me that I have big pupils, be jealous, and that is why my eyes tear up more than the average eyeballs.
Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you what they look like. I watched Argo over the weekend with my friends. It was a good movie, but not entirely an Oscar worthy movie. ME being part of the lost generation, the group of young adults who prefer something to be blown up every now and then in a movie or they will say it is boring and fall asleep, I will say that it would be a smudge-above-par movie, but Wreck-it-Ralph was robbed (even though it wasn't nominated). What I did like was the humor that Allan and John (Lester Siegel and John "Pacha" Chambers) added to the movie, even though the "Argo f**k yourself" was drawn out too much. I also liked the visual aspects. The costume designer and set designer gets the Kayla Seal of Approval because the great use of colors and nice vintage feel. My point I was tiring to make in relations to my glasses was that the people in the movie had glasses too. I noticed that the Cora (Clea DuVall) had ones like me, but I prefer hers over mine. Then through out the movie I noticed something else in the hipster eyewear department.
....& My glasses can be seen as a girls version of John's. ... win win either way! #PachaIsTheBest. |
^^^ for kyra only ^^^ |
Things I am starting to notice:
1) My glasses look weird when they are in their "wanna be sunglasses" phase.
2) I am blinder than I thought.
3) They get dirty easily because they are fingerprint magnets. Also, I feel like Piggy from Lord of the Flies when I clean them.
4) They will never fit right, no matter how long I mess with them.
5) I am starting to believe that I am one of thoes people that look weird without glasses on.
6) I got the Jay-Bird stamp of approval today!
7) I really need to start switching out my different color shades. Yes I love my leopard ones, but I have a freaken rainbow to pick from.
8) One more step to hipster...or a wanna be... or a scientist/professor or a wanna be scientist/professor
Sunday, March 10, 2013
I have been noticing every [insert length of time here] that I have been changing.
I am like a amoeba, a lava lamp, the ocean's tide, Taylor Swift's boyfriendsss, a mood ring, coins, any device that has a button that says random/shuffle, the piece of bread that you toast (or burn), entropy,...If you didn't catch on yet, these are all things that change.
I am like a amoeba, a lava lamp, the ocean's tide, Taylor Swift's boyfriendsss, a mood ring, coins, any device that has a button that says random/shuffle, the piece of bread that you toast (or burn), entropy,...If you didn't catch on yet, these are all things that change.
Friday, February 8, 2013
(One of the) Greatest Teachers Ever
Well since I got to move up closer (if you didn't recall (or read it) I sat in the back for a few months), I was (a) able to see the beautiful board more, (b) could ask more questions because it it easy to hear and see me, and (c) I started to to understand the crazy that was my teacher.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Mission Impossable: Spontaneous Request
If you know me, you should at least know that I have two older sisters or that rummer has it that I am good at taking pictures (that rummer is true). Now you reviewed that, I can move on.
This Mission was given to me at about Thursday, Jan 24 at 12:34 on my way home on a tangerine that I just peeled:
This Mission was given to me at about Thursday, Jan 24 at 12:34 on my way home on a tangerine that I just peeled:
"Hello, Agent KayDog. Your mission, if you choose to except it, is to go to your sister's, Allie, work (Miguel's; Mexican restaurant) and extract some still moments of the [incert whatever that business event was here (I still don't know)]. We have choose your team for you: Agent Rickster, will be in control of the get away car, and Agent Allie-Cat, to help hook you up with what you need to extract. You have about "(Robot voice:) 4 hours" till your arrival at 16:00. Expect to be their, on a mission, no longer than 30 minutes. (breaks character into this valley girl voice for one sentence) *Your welcome to eat dinner there, I recommend their Enchiladas Rancheras.* (comes back to formal voice) But if you ever interfere or come in to contact with the business people by (a) head-on-head colision or (b) spilling the beans on them, that being both physically and metaphorically, then Allie-Cat has the right to kick you out and you wont get the *yummy* dinner...This message will self-destruct in 8 seconds. Good luck, Kay." *** I tossed tangerine out the window into a bush. It hisses and steam comes from under the bush. Then light flashes from the bush and the smoke is no more. ***So what is a girl to do, but accept this message. So I went, I took pics, and devoured.
Friday, January 25, 2013
I love this cat
Sunday, January 13, 2013
The Big Bad Bear -Puts the":O" in ":O"H MY
(requested by: Jeronimo)
So I don't have to tell the story soooooooooo many times, I'll write it on my blog so when this happens (the following is in SoCal Surfer-Dude accent) "Dude, What happened to your phone?", I can be like "Dudee, check out my blog!So over Winter Break, My family and I went on a hike at A Place Where The Tall Tress Grow, CA. We went on this hike. People did small & big talk, but I did music & (rocked out in) ASL. I went about 7.346 miles then my ipod died. So then I went 16.829 kilometers before my phone died. Then I switched the batteries in my phone. I mange to get through one Modest Mouse song before I heard, what I heard.
At this moment it looked like we just landed in Japan everyone around me was running from Godzilla. Me being the slow reactor, is thinking *Wtf is goin-HOLLY CRAP A BEAR*. Then I stood like this [:O>-<. Then shortly after a few minutes (from this point on a man screams "My leg!" every 2-5 minutes) , while people where running like chickens with their heads chopped off, my voice box turned on again and noises expelled from my throat. This is because my throat was dry from the long hike. After my release of emotion, I just sat their for a second [Bl-/-< and the bear sort of did the same thing I was doing.
This "second" turned into a few minutes as I pondered what to do. Then my stomach began to growl louder than the bear, it was even biting at my arm. So I thought of a way to end this quick, so I can get some grub ASAP. Then I proceed with my plan.
So If you know me, like my friends do, you will know my eyes are ubber sensitive to light, wind, and comedians. Anyone of these make the sprinklers or waterworks of my eye go on like *SNAP*, or as my friends would say that I am sweating through my eyes, to solve this I were my colorful sunglasses Like most days, I had one on this very day. Luckily for me, the EBay fairy didn't come for the bear, so the bear ain't got no sunglasses. If you wondered, I had my orange ones on. So with the sun at about ∠57. 9° above me, I grabbed my paper weight of a beta phone and lined it up where the sun was and hit right in right of both of it's black eyes.
The bear reacted by scrunching up its face and trying to slap the light off his face. Then he, with eyes wide shut and unknowingly, took a step toward me and punch. He managed to come into contact with that same phone of mine that I had in my hand from when I was trying to pick a song to play, that was before all this mess. This force knocks me on my back. From the ground, I watched him starting to walk backwards in to the Place Where the Tall Trees Grow, stumbling on twigs and gopher holes as he went. After falling twice, this bear got the idea that maybe he should turn around. He did just that and disappeared behind the pine, orange, and apple trees.

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Resolutions '013
So it is that time of year. When people make list about what they need to change about them self. Then 2-3 months (or 2-3 weeks) down the road they are laughing and face-palming because they realize that they were an idiot to make such out of this world goals. They are seating themselves up for failure.
WELL rather then explain to you how stupid I think resolutions are, ...why don't I join the fun? I mean if it last 2-3 months, that is still a big improvement over not attempting to change anything, ..for the better that is. But it dose suck when you try to reach a goal and you wind up worst than before. Like the "one step forward, two steps back" saying. I think that comes from the fact that their goals were so far fetched. WELL,--I am going to take my chances and maybe you will even get something out of this list.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Long Winter Breaks
Well it is that time of year when kids get the longest break from school (other than summer). One week into it all my friends are bored Some of them are unable or have too much pride (u know who you are) to come over do to do things because of lack of transportation or effort. Then when (and if) they get there, you do that that one scene from Spongboob.
It is pretty much play Wii, eat, watch tv/movies, movies/mall, paint our nails (Haha I'm such a chick), blade/bike/skooter/ect., sleep, or walk my moms dog/play with my cat or my sister's snake is all there to do.
As the days, hours and minutes wire down I spend my time being a shut in. I haven't felt the light of day in over a year. I last saw light when I stepped outside into the world to see The Hobbit with Madison. Other than that, my last few days have been me convincing myself to do my homework and even get head if I can.
Yes, yes I know I just had to remind people that I'm flipin hilarious. Well now that is out of the way is there really anything left to say--*YESSS! The People want more.* Well I--*THE PEOPLE WANT MORE.*--i-I-I-*DON'T ARGUE WITH THE PEOPLE* Fine, to give you more (and distract you to get you out of my hair) watch this video. (sorry I can't post this to blogger for some reason)
It is pretty much play Wii, eat, watch tv/movies, movies/mall, paint our nails (Haha I'm such a chick), blade/bike/skooter/ect., sleep, or walk my moms dog/play with my cat or my sister's snake is all there to do.
As the days, hours and minutes wire down I spend my time being a shut in. I haven't felt the light of day in over a year. I last saw light when I stepped outside into the world to see The Hobbit with Madison. Other than that, my last few days have been me convincing myself to do my homework and even get head if I can.
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MY HOMEWORK LOAD- I mostly worked on my history project the last few days. I caught up with most of the stuff for the hw packet (all but one). I have a photo winter scaverg hunt that I am half done and I'll post some of my photo stuff soon. I have a butt load of Chemistry. I need to do bookwork and a dreadful year long review packet. It has like 50 questions and I'll need Google for most of them. I did, or should I say attempted, my math hw. ASL deaf hours are coming up near the end of the month. I wrote one essay, need to write my other, and need 3 more hours. Should I do a blog post on that? I have no English hw, but I wanted to do my Spielberg Movie logs (a paper about one of his movies I watch) and the Screening Report on Oklahoma. This is so I don't have a butt load when I get back.As I do my history project, I see the clock tick away as this break ends. Yes, I wouldn't mind going back to school, but I am not ready to adjust to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For the last two days, I spent my day doing what I normally do on my Sundays,...Staying in my PJS, eating, hw-ing, and slightly cleaning (besides packing for [said Parent's] house). I am going to have a PaigeTan by the end of the week. Yes, I do swoon over the beautifulness that is pretty pale and fare skinned people *ehhhem* Paige. But I will look like Kasper, Ladygaga (skin; not fashion), Michael Jackson (the white one), a vampire....SO WHHAT, my eyes will melt in the sun and my skin will either burn in flames or sparkle or worse. They will sparkle, flames, THEN I BLOW UP (#Iamsquidward)....*hey kayla your taking this a bit too far*
Yes, yes I know I just had to remind people that I'm flipin hilarious. Well now that is out of the way is there really anything left to say--*YESSS! The People want more.* Well I--*THE PEOPLE WANT MORE.*--i-I-I-*DON'T ARGUE WITH THE PEOPLE* Fine, to give you more (and distract you to get you out of my hair) watch this video. (sorry I can't post this to blogger for some reason)
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