In Chemistry |
Well hello there, Today is finally 12.21.12. Now as I type this I am currently in photo (first period). Now before I get a head of my self let me explain something to you. Earlier this week my school allegedly got a gun threat, by a Junior. A kid that is in my grade. A kid that, from what I know, has the same English and History Class as me. The point I am getting at is that this school is a ghost town right now. The threat was made for today and that scared some parents. Even my mom didn't want me to come. Also, kids are playing hookie because it is Senior ditch day, people taking their winter break a day early for trips and such, and also people rather spend their last hours with their family (or parting it up).
Note to the Mayans watching this: There is always a Walmart or Target (or some calendar store) in spitting distance, so go power up your
dang Flintstones and go down to whatever store to buy yourself a new freaken calender. Sorry, but us non-Mayans do it about every 365.25 day, 12 months or 8,766 hours. I say about because some of us are eager than others to get the new kitty cat or nature scene calendars.
-well for now I must go to chem keep you posted.
(Inseret the greatest put on hold elevator music here for IDC amount of time. I now type this from my room.)
Class was not your typical day. They made it where we have both odd and even today because they wanted us to have an equal # of hours in each class. How many people where in my classes? Well instead of me spelling it out, let me just paint a graft.
class-# of kids(not counting teacher or me)- comments/what we did
photo- 5- this class had a good % seniors, but 3 did show up. I listed to music and emailed my Nana

*passing time*- talked to the gang for a second and got a cool present from Sergio (Im name dropping w/o your permission Jeronimo) that looked like it was wrapping paper that was wrapped up. I planed to open it at lunch. Kyra gave me body butter in the car ride to school. It was a little sweet for my taste (because Kyra is 2/3 part surgar pie (2/7 parts human, and rest is crazy juice)), but it was still good. Kyra gave Sergio a leggo Patrick Star key chain. I
must break its legs. (I accidently did that to 2 of kyra's keychains.) Kyra got a Sponge Bob poster from Sergio. Also I for got to mention that both Kyra and I got a BestFriendsEver ring from Sergio. They were made from wood because he takes wood shop. Also, they happen too express another SpongeBob reference.
ChemistryH- 12- I believe there was high turn out because it was an honors class or people like the teacher or playing his xbox- i played with my phone, eaves dropped, asked one chem question, and took a pic of the board
*Small 17m break- I hung out in history with a few of my friends in my history class. I didn't feel like hunting the gang down so I walked strait their.Sergio had history too (different class), but couldn't track down his friends. So he popped his head into my class,
finally wearing the Mike Wazowski green shades I gave him
. We talked with a few of our other friends in the room, then the bell rang*

History- 13- this is because this is a big class (like 43 kids)-we took 2 notes and watched 2 clips. One was of
Ferris Bueller's Day Off it showed the 2 scenes/montage of Ferris trying to beat his parents home from playing hookie. My teacher gave us candy canes.
fancy board in math |
Algebra- 6- we worked on 5 math problems and did a raffle (We get tickets for passing out papers and writing work on the board) I got 2 chocolate bars.
ok I will stop because this is getting out of hand. |
*Lunch time* I passed out my brownies to people. I gave Sergio his 2 bottles of silly string and homemade paper clip SpongeBob necklace. I opened the thing I was carring and it was a poster of 20 cats with headphones. First thing, I thought was to tape sunglasses on the kitten
Sponge Bob is referenced so much between
my friends. |
ASL-10-did as we pleased, but we had to sign for 25points, I played pictionary and ninja with my friends, Amanda and Madison.
English- 9- we just talked as a group. The girl next, Alexa, to me described it as the breakfast club. I would agree, but I also saw it more of a nice version of TMZ, were my teacher/classmates would tell stories and at one point we went around the room asking what people would do for break.
That is if my teacher was this. |
Hope you like that the world didn't end.
As the day went on, I noticed that a few kids too pictures of their class (candid; not a group posed :D type of photo) they wanted to make a collage out of them and show the people, like the ones who ditched, what it really looked like.
Maybe next time, I'll try to look ahead like that. It would have been cool if I did that.
sorry, with the excessive pictures.
Yesterday, I had a nice chat with my toaster, enjoyed some quality time with my desk chair... Good times. Pretty low key for an apocalypse, but ya know, it is what it is.
Deletekeila, there is no way you could have left me out. you told me that i made half your day! wtf i thought we had something, fine, i c then. well looks like im gonna make u some brownies now
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I see a subscriber requesting for me to go into detail about the social part of my day. Well thanks for asking, Buddy. I'll add more soon, like A-S-A-P.
Deleteso much spongebob that day. overload...gah
ReplyDeleteYahhhh. I thought it was AMAZING!
Deleteand spongebob continues...you might have just dressed up as spongebob for the day! spongebob necklaces, posters, rings, talk, memories....O.o
ReplyDeleteevery little update just makes it betta and betta
that what I was going for and a blog isn't complete without pics or vids.
DeleteHaha best friends forever *ring* our friendship ring-patrick.
ReplyDeleteso im thinking we shud have schedualed spongebob days
ReplyDeletehow about no ^^^ :P everyone will stare at us.
ReplyDeletedo my niggah a favor and follow. http://goodlakim.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteDID and DONE.
Deletetroll that sucka
ReplyDeletekatia how about u stfu. i want this