Me Trying to Organise My Blog...xP


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Vidcon DFTBA : '013 (Part one)

All of this was made possible by the brothers
...and Mom and Grandma.
     This past weekend my friends (Paige and Jackie) and I took the train to go to Vidcon (Aug 1-4). It was awesome. My mother got me my ticket for my birthday and my grandma (dad's mom; if you wondered) let us crash at her place for the duration of the weekend. She lives like less then a mile away from the convention so it was perfect...PURRRRRfect..

(click on links for hidden surprises
also I'll be posting a part two more about my thoughts,  &opinions, and my errrs & ahhhhhs. So stay tuned for that.)

      After the train we decided to go get registered a day early to beat the crowds. That helped out a lot cause we were able to just jump into line for the main stage performances the morning after.  There were performances in the morning and in the late afternoon each day. We managed to plan stuff well enough so that we were able to get really good seats (in the 10-20th row). I liked most of the performances. I have to say the morning of the second day was the best because Rhett & Link were the moderators, Tobuscus killed it, and I found out some of the Youtubers I watch can really play guitar and singing.
     The expo hall was giant. A third was filled with booths at the front, then at the other end you had the signings, and then in the middle there was a small arcade and a giant megalodon. The clip near by actually gives you a good feel of the place too.
     Walking through the expo hall you are just like... O_O O_O O_O There is so much to do, so much to see, so much people.  
    Oh I must tell you my embarrassing/"we will laugh in a few years about it" story of vidcon. We waited in like for like 2 hours for Smosh, but once we got there we all got really really quiet and didn't know what to say. I am not one to fangirl (#IronicUsage), but when I do, I do it on the inside. So rule of thumb if you go up to a person to sign or whatever, make sure you have a question to start the convocation. We did, but once we got up there we blanked. In our defense, they are really big YouTube stars and it was our first signing of Vidcon. Paige did save us with her " your hand must be hurting" small talk. It was a petty save at the least. But heyyy we still got them to sign our shirts so yahhh! =P
Hank Green
Tessa got pipes.
     After that we resorted to walking around mostly the expo hall and then the other floors to see if we could find people to sign our shirts. That is the way we managed to get most signings because we didn't want to wast time in a line. SteveGreene and Mikefalzone were both pretty chill and genuine like they always are. Steve told me that he would do another Vidcon Trolling video, but I haven't seen it yet. Mike used Paige as an example in his friend's video. I think the question Mike was asked "How do you greet a fan?" and he put his arm around Paige and spoke words I can't remember because I was busy cracking up inside and it has been some time. I want to see if the friend used the clip #OneTakeNelly.
The set was recreated.
you can see me at 1:50 
Hint: I am by the green wall on the left
     Next day we pretty much did the same thing. But I went to the Phil's and SourceFed's meet ups. It was fun and hilarious, but also took a big chunk of the day. It was worth it because SourceFed is hilarious

- Also blogger sucks at making it easy to format this, sorry for lank spaces - 

rocking out hard

Best performance goes to Toby's dramatic song .
My Music^^
I am so glad Lee (blonde girl on the left)
is on it, I might watch it again.
Paint sings the Disney stuff.


  1. :D

    P.s. You've been keeping pictures from me!

  2. Replies
    1. thanks.
      you should post about your concert.

    2. I really didn't get pics, mostly videos.. so it would be a boring blog, thanks for the idea though!

    3. You should! Just talk about what happened and how exciting it was. Run us through your night! (It was a 1D concert, right?) Blogging doesn't have to be all about pictures. Actual words are better imo. :D

    4. If i were you, katya, I would just go steal photos/videos from other people. It helps solve any lack of pic/video problem.

      The video on here was not mine at all.

    5. Yeah, but my blog is a fashionista blog. :)

    6. it doesn't mean you cant.
      Anyways u haven't posted anything for more than 6 months.
      That's like 12 years, in fashion.

